Publications relevant to the study of the BSWF
Sealing in the Southern Oceans by Rhys Richards.
A global review of the southern sealing fishery using previously unexplored sources of the trade, which shows that sealers killed at least 7 million seals prior to 1833, which is far more than previously estimated. Published by Paremata Press. 278 pp; NZD$70. Available from [email protected]
Papers of the Hobart Whaling Conference 6 - 7 May 2019. Edited by Graeme Broxam and Dale Chatwin. Published by Navarine Press as Roebuck Series publication no. 67. 165 pp; AUD$29.95.
The Conference Proceedings are available from the follwing:
In Hobart from the Maritime Museum of Tasmania Bookshop - 16 Argyle Street, Hobart, Tasmania
Overseas buyers can purchase copies from our International Agent - Boglio Maritime Books.
Trade Orders should contact Navarine Publishing - GPO Box 2178, Hobart, Tasmania, 7001
Image used on the Cover courtesy of W. L. Crowther Library, State Library of Tasmania.
Nga Tohora: The Right Whales of New Zealand and the Southern Oceans by Rhys Richards
A not-for-profit publication by the Paremata Press. $NZ 35.00 276 pages, size 276 x 250mm ISBN 978-0-473-68062-6
A series of studies based on nearly 50 years of research documenting historical whaling for southern right whales concluding with an estimate of the size of the southern right whale population pre-whaling. The total number is not over 100,000. Information or ordering available from: [email protected]